Commercial & Industrial Development Projects

froom ranch

Irish Hills Plaza

Madonna Construction
Madonna Enterprises LLC.

Location: San Luis Obispo, California

Summary: The Irish Hills Plaza project consisted of a regional center that includes over 138,000 square feet of retail/shopping with anchor tenants including Home Depot, Costco, Old Navy, Whole Foods and TJ Maxx as well as restaurants and many other supporting businesses. The development project was built on a 45-acre portion of the Froom Ranch along Los Osos Valley Road that, since the 1850s, has been used as farmland and pasture for cattle grazing.

Services Provided: Biological Surveys, Section 404 Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Delineation, Environmental Permitting, Endangered Species Act Consultation, Habitat Restoration Design, Mitigation Construction Oversight, Annual Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting, Regulatory Compliance Coordination, and Conservation Easement Coordination.

Walmart Development Project

Walmart Inc.

Location: Fairfield, CA

Summary: The Fairfield/Suisun City Walmart Project involved the development of approximately 21 acres of undeveloped property with a retail shopping center. The project included an approximately 215,000-square foot Wal-Mart Supercenter; commercial uses that complement the Supercenter such as a gas station with a car wash, restaurants, parking, and infrastructure to support the commercial development project.

Services Provided: Biological/Botanical Surveys, Section 404 Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Delineation, Environmental Permitting, Endangered Species Act Consultation, 404(b)(1) Alternative Analysis, Habitat Restoration Design, and Regulatory Compliance Coordination.

walmart fairfield
rosewood hotel

Rosewood Hotel

Stanford Real Estate

Location: Menlo Park, California

Summary: Rosewood Sand Hill Hotel and Office Development Project (Project) is located on a 21-acre site in the City of Menlo Park in San Mateo County, California. The purpose of the proposed activity is the construction of an approximately 120-room luxury hotel, five residential hotel villas, and 100,000 square feet of office space in five buildings.

Services Provided: Biological Surveys, Section 404 Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Delineation, Environmental Permitting, Habitat Restoration Design, and Regulatory Compliance Coordination.

Olberding Environmental, Inc.

"Providing professional consulting services since 1997"