County & City Projects
Sabercat Creek Restoration Project
City of Fremont
Location: Fremont, California
Summary: The purpose of the Project was to stabilize actively eroding and incising areas of the banks and bed of Sabercat Creek, and to enhance aquatic and riparian habitat in the Sabercat Creek riparian corridor. In several locations, erosion and incision were threatening trail infrastructure and, at the east end of the Project Reach, knickpoint migration threatened to undermine an Alameda County Flood Control District culvert. The Project also improved an existing public trail by completing an unfinished segment of the trail that passes underneath Paseo Padre Parkway.
Services Provided:Biological Surveys, Section 404 Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Delineation, GIS Support, Environmental Permitting, Endangered Species Act Consultation, Mitigation Construction Oversight, Annual Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting,, Construction Monitoring, and Regulatory Compliance Coordination.
Faria Preserve Mitigation Property Management
City of San Ramon
Location: San Ramon, California
Summary: The Faria Onsite Preserve 103-Acre was established to provide compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to natural resources including wetlands, riparian, and species habitat resulting from The Faria Preserve Residential Housing Development Project. The purpose of the Preserve is to conserve and protect wetlands/waters of the U.S. and state, covered species, and/or covered habitats.
Services Provided: Biological Surveys, GIS Support, Environmental Permitting, Endangered Species Act Consultation, Habitat Restoration Design, Mitigation Construction Oversight, Annual Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting, Construction Monitoring, Regulatory Compliance Coordination, Conservation Easement Coordination, and Conservation Land Management.
Washington Boulevard Widening Project
City of Roseville
Location: Roseville, California
Summary: The Project was proposed by the City of Roseville Public Works Department to improve Washington Boulevard from the Lincoln Street/All American City Boulevard in the south to Kaseberg Drive in the north. The project included the extension of an existing culvert within an unnamed tributary to Kaseberg Creek and the fill of three small low-quality seasonal wetlands that had formed in association with existing stormwater facilities directly adjacent to Washington Boulevard.
Services Provided: Biological Surveys, Section 404 Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Delineation, Environmental Permitting, Endangered Species Act Consultation.
Olberding Environmental, Inc.
"Providing professional consulting services since 1997"