Golf Course Projects

stanford gc

Stanford Golf Course Reconfiguration

Stanford University

Location: Stanford, California

Summary: The Stanford Golf Course Reconfiguration Project consisted of the relocation of Tee No. 3 and Tee No. 4 at the Stanford Golf Course located within Stanford University. Tee locations and fairway adjustments were required in association with construction activities related to the Sand Hill Road Bridge Widening Project over San Fransiquito Creek, a new pedestrian bridge, and riparian revegetation activities along the creek embankments.

Services Provided: Biological Surveys, Section 404 Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Delineation, Environmental Permitting, Endangered Species Act Consultation, Habitat Restoration Design, Mitigation Construction Oversight, Annual Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting, and Regulatory Compliance Coordination.

Carmel Valley Ranch
Golf Course Repair Project

Carmel Valley Ranch Golf Club

Location: Carmel, California

Summary: The Carmel Valley Ranch Golf Course Repair Project involved an extensive evaluation of portions of the course damaged by severe flooding and erosion. Regulatory agency permits and authorizations were obtained based on site-specific design criteria allowing the restoration of riverbanks and damaged portions of the golf course.

Services Provided: Biological Surveys, Section 404 Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Delineation, Environmental Permitting, Endangered Species Act Consultation, Habitat Restoration Design, and Regulatory Compliance Coordination.

carmel valley ranch gc
fremont gc

Fremont Park Golf Course Project

Fremont Park Golf Club

Location: Fremont, California

Summary: The Fremont Park Golf Course Project included the design and development of a golf course located on 52 acres of parkland east of Lake Elizabeth within the Central Park complex. The area contained a mix of grassland, riparian, and wetland habitats utilized by several special-status species.

Services Provided: Biological Surveys, Section 404 Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Delineation, Environmental Permitting, Habitat Restoration Design, Mitigation Construction Oversight, Annual Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting, and Regulatory Compliance Coordination.

Olberding Environmental, Inc.

"Providing professional consulting services since 1997"