Vineyard & Winery Projects


Caymus - Suisun Valley Winery
Development Project

Camus Vineyards

Location: Solano County, California

Summary: The Suisun Valley Winery project included an evaluation of the 120-acre property for a vineyard and regional distribution center. The property contained existing wetland and riparian habitat and was situated near locations identified as habitat for several federally and state-listed species.

Services Provided: Biological Surveys, Section 404 Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Delineation, Environmental Permitting, and Regulatory Compliance Coordination.

Margarita Farms Vineyard
Development Project

Margarita Vineyards

Location: San Luis Obispo County, California

Summary: The Margarita Farms Vineyard Development Project involved an extensive evaluation of the 13,600-acre Santa Margarita Ranch Property for the development of a new vineyard and winery.

Services Provided: Biological Surveys, Section 404 Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Delineation, GIS Support, Environmental Permitting Assistance, Endangered Species Act Consultation Assessment, and Regulatory Compliance Coordination.


Guenoc Vineyard Expansion Project

Guenoc Winery

Location: Lake County, California

Summary: The Guenoc Vineyard Expansion Project involved the expansion of the existing vineyard on the 22,000-acre ranch design and construction of a private 18-hole golf course and expansion of water storage throughout the property. Due to the large size of the ranch, an extensive assessment and evaluation of wetland, riparian and special-status resources were required to fully document the extent of expansion impacts.

Services Provided: Biological Surveys, Section 404 Clean Water Act Jurisdictional Delineation, GIS Support, Environmental Permitting, and Regulatory Compliance Coordination.

Olberding Environmental, Inc.

"Providing professional consulting services since 1997"